Saturday, February 9, 2013

portrait of my kids once a week for 2013

My children are mad about dressing up. It's probably the thing I have to clean up the most around out house. There will be Princess Leia dresses, knight armor and fairy wings distributed in a wave across our dining room as they make costume changes. Here they are a cat and a fairy. I love their twinkling mischievious eyes.


  1. Adorable photo! My daughter isn't old enough to dress up yet but it's something I will be encouraging...we already have a dressing up box.

  2. Thanks Juliet. It is so much fun to hear about the characters they create! It's great you already have a box designated!


  3. They are such fun! My girls are always into the dress up box, but my boy is less enthusiastic. Such a shame.

    Nice to meet your blog via Jodi's project, Johanna. x

  4. Thanks for your comment Maxabella. Come back and visit again. I'll check out yours too.

